Virtual Novena to Saint Clare of Assisi

Saint Clare
and God's Creation
When one thinks of Saint Francis, one often thinks of birds and wolves and brother Sun. Saint Clare often linked to Saint Francis as Sister Moon only seemed to have a cat. A cat which she was by the way, very fond of. Perhaps if she had had the opportunity like Saint Francis to be out and about a bit more (which in the middle ages was rather frowned upon for women) she might have had a few wolf stories herself. As it was she had her cat.

For many years of her later life, Saint Clare was very sick and had to spend a lot of time in bed. Her cat would sit on her bed as she knitted and Clare had trained her so that if the ball of yarn fell away, the cat would jump down and bring it back to her. Now you may think this a bit strange, but I do believe that how one loves the little creatures of God is also a sign of sanctity. A respect for life whether it belongs to a person or an animal, a bird or even a worm is a gift of praise to God who created it. Often times we think we have to do great things to give praise to God, but I think, as both Clare and Francis knew - we can give praise even in such a little thing as petting a wolf or holding a cat in purrfect content.